Chhath Ended With Giving Argh To Rising Sun (Photos Features)

Nov 10, Kathmandu- Today is the fourth or last day of the Chhath festival. In this festival which is celebrated for four days, the source of all power is to bathe and eat clean on the first day of sun worship, Kharna on the second day, sunset on the third day, and offering argha to the rising sun on the fourth day.

Devotees flocked to Guhyeshwari, Kamalpokhari, Gahanapokhari, Shankhamool, Thapathali, Bagmati, Bishnumati, and other places along the Nakhu river in the valley to worship the sun god.

The Chhath Ghat was built in front of the Guheshwari temple from Bagmati to Gaurighat on the left bank of the river. Millions of devotees paid homage to the setting sun here on Tuesday evening. The same devotees have ended the four-day long sun-worship festival by offering argha to the rising sun today.

There is a belief that fasting at the Chhath festival will get rid of misery and poverty. It is believed that fasting during this festival is mainly for procreation, diagnosis, and family welfare.

What Is Done On Four Days of Chhath?

On the first day of the Chhath festival, which is celebrated for four days in Kartik Shukla Paksha, the Vratals bathe in rivers, streams, ponds, and reservoirs and eat a pure vegetarian meal of pure garlic and onion beggar. Which is called 'Nahay Khaye' in the local language. On the second day of Chhath, i.e. Kattik Panchami, the devotees fast all day and after bathing in the evening, they clean themselves and build a new stove in the worship room of their deity.

Prasad i.e. Rasiyav Roti is offered to the moon after moonrise. On the main day of the festival, on the day of Kartik Shukla Shashthi, a strict fast is observed and the setting sun is worshiped in the evening. The festival concludes after one stays awake all night on the sixtieth day and worships the rising sun in the morning on the seventh day of Kartik Shukla.

Chhath Festival Celebration in Nepal | Chhath History and ImportanceImportance of Sun Worship

Even in the modern age, the sun is important as a source of alternative energy. Humans need every day of the sun and yam. Ancient and modern medical systems say that the sun's rays are important in treating difficult diseases and destroying harmful germs. Sun worship is also given a special place in the yoga and meditation system. Doctors say that you get vitamin D from the rising sun's rays.

At a time when divisions in the name of different religions, castes, and communities are increasing, the worship of the sun standing in one place conveys the message of unity. The sun was also worshiped in West Asia, ancient Greece, Egypt, and the Babylonian civilization (now part of Iraq). Neighboring India and many places around the world have Sun (Apollo) temples. Chhath festival is also celebrated in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Jharkhand of India.

How Did Chhath Start?

There are various legends about the beginning of Chhath. According to the historical mythology, the Mahabharata, five Pandavas, including Draupadi, worshiped the sun god to make the Guptavas a success. At that time they were working in the court of Pandava Virat Raja. It is said that the tradition of celebrating Chhath started from that time.

Chhath Puja 2021: Chhath Mahaparva started from today, read the  mythological stories related to worship here

At a time when divisions in the name of different religions, castes, and communities are increasing, the worship of the sun standing in one place conveys the message of unity. The sun was also worshiped in West Asia, ancient Greece, Egypt, and the Babylonian civilization (now part of Iraq). Neighboring India and many places around the world have Sun (Apollo) temples. Chhath festival is also celebrated in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Jharkhand of India.






On the other hand, according to the Surya Purana, the first to fast on Chhath was Anusuya, the wife of Atrimuni. As a result, she gained lasting happiness and love. It is believed that the tradition of celebrating 'Chhath Parva' for lasting happiness, family happiness, and husband's love has started since that time.

Similarly, in the Samba Purana, it is said that Samba, who suffered from leprosy due to the curse of Father Krishna and Maharshi Durvasa, was cured of the disease as a result of worshiping the Sun. There is a religious belief that offering a bunch of fruits will please the sun god and will also benefit Vratalu's family and relatives. There is also a belief that skin disease will not be contracted if the sun is worshiped properly in the month of Kartik Shukla. Due to this, the popularity of Chhath is increasing.