National Teachers Association: Demand To Increase The Salary Of School Employees

Aug 20, Kathmandu- Nepal National Teachers Association has demanded to increase the salary of school employees like other national servants, teachers, and employees.

The Nepal School Staff Council has expressed its solidarity with the ongoing agitation in Kathmandu and demanded an increase in the salary of the school staff. In a statement issued today, it is said, "The demand of the organization is to increase the salaries of national service teachers on time". On the one hand, with the increase in salary, the grade rate has been differentiated between civil servants and school teachers who have the same salary scale, and it is a great misfortune that the salary of school employees has not been increased while the salary of all public servants has been increased.

Stating that the salaries of civil servants, army, police, and school teachers will be increased at all levels, but there is no increase in the salaries of the school staff, the organization has demanded the Ministry of Finance to immediately adjust the grade of the school staff and the grade of the teachers from the same date as other national service teachers.

"While the budget statement has accepted the salary increase of 15 percent since there is no increase in the salary of the school employees, we express our solidarity with the ongoing agitation in Kathmandu by the Nepal School Staff Council and strongly condemn this unfair treatment", the statement said.

In addition, the organization has warned that if there is no immediate hearing of the justice demands raised by the organization, it will be forced to carry forward any kind of agitation or protest programs against the injustice done to the teaching staff.