Sept 18, Kathmandu- Belbari 8 has entered the finals of the first Tarun Gold Cup football tournament. In the proposed Belbari Stadium of Belbari 10, Belbari 8 defeated Belbari 11 2-0 in the semi-final match on Sunday and qualified for the final.
In the victory of Belbari 8, Nandu Khawas scored in the 20th minute and Bikram Limbu scored in the 66th minute. Suren Khawas of Belbari 8 became the man of the match. He got a reward of Rs.1500.
Nepal Tarun Dal Morang Region No. 26 wards of four municipalities participated in the competition organized by 3. The winner of the competition will get a prize of Rs.2 lakh and one thousand and the runner-up will get Rs.1 lakh and one thousand.