Shipment Of Food Grains To Mugu Has Started

Sep 15, Kathmandu- The Food Supply and Trading Company Limited has informed that the shipment of food grains for the current financial year has started in Mugu.

Pushkar Bham, Head of Food Arrangement and Business Company Limited, said that although the contract for food transportation has not been approved, advance transportation has been started keeping in mind the problems of the consumers.

According to him, 600 quintals of food grains have been transported from Nepalganj in the current financial year to Gamgarhi, the main warehouse of Limited. Bham said that even though there is a problem in the transportation of food grains due to the dangerous condition of the roads during the rainy season, there will be sufficient food transportation for Dashain Tihar.

Bham informed that the transportation of food by road from Nepalganj has been started with the aim of keeping the Dasain Tihar and local festivals in mind so that the consumers do not suffer.

According to the Food Management and Business Company, the food that has reached the district headquarters has also been sent to depots in rural areas. In the current financial year, Limited head Bham informed that 17,000 food quotas including 10,000 quintals have been approved in the Godown of Gamgarhi Limited.

Srikot, Sorukot and Pulu food depots as well as Kalai and Ratapani sales centers have been closed since last June as the warehouse ran out of food. Since there is no food in the depots in the rural areas for a long time, the consumers are forced to buy expensive rice from the traders.