About 72 Thousand And A Half Metric Tons Of Chemical Fertilizers Stock

Feb 08, Kathmandu- There are about 72,500 metric tons of chemical fertilizers in Nepal. According to the latest data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, 72 thousand 458 metric tons of chemical fertilizers are available.

Out of this, urea is 40,767 metric tons, DAP is 26,854 metric tons and potash is 4,836 metric tons, according to the Ministry's data.

Similarly, 32 thousand 579 metric tons of chemical fertilizers are available with Agricultural Materials Company Limited. Salt Trading Company Limited has 39 thousand 879 metric tons of fertilizer in stock.

The ministry said that 30 thousand metric tons of urea is being imported to Nepal from Visakhapatnam. The ministry also said that 30 thousand metric tons of urea and 25 thousand metric tons of DAP are in the process of being shipped.