General Decline In The Stock Market: Turnover Of 2.87 Billion

Apr 01, Kathmandu- Today, the stock market NEPSE index closed down by normal points. Today, the stock market NEPSE index decreased by 6.126 points and remained at 2,012. Today, the share price of 86 companies has increased while the share price of 151 companies has decreased.

72 lakh 90 thousand 200 shares of 315 companies were bought and sold, and shares worth 2.87 billion 47 lakh rupees were traded. Most of the shares of Best Cement have been traded today. Today, the shares of this company have been traded worth 47 crore 29 lakh rupees. Today, over 11 million shares of Shivam Cement have been traded. Shares of Gurkhas Finance have been traded worth 99.99 million rupees.

Investors of Microfinance Financial Institutions and Mai Khola Hydropower Company have earned the most money today.