35 Houses Destroyed By Fire

May 23, Kathmandu- In Rukum Paschim this year, 35 houses and sheds have been destroyed by fire. Since the onset of winter, 35 structures including 29 houses and six sheds have been burnt down in the district.

District Police Office Rukum Paschim has informed that the houses that caught fire have been completely destroyed. One woman died as a result of the fire, while two women were injured while fighting the fire, District Police Office Information Officer Police Inspector Bakhta Shahi informed.

According to him, more houses were damaged due to fire in Musikot Municipality, Saniveri Rural Municipality and Banfikot Rural Municipality. Food, clothes, dishes and documents in the house were destroyed by the fire. Police inspector Shahi informed that the fire in 35 houses caused damage worth Rs 49 lakh 52 thousand.

Just last Saturday, the house of Gorkha Bahadur KC of Musikot-3 Machhmi was damaged due to an electrical short and more than Rs. 2.5 million was damaged. The gold, cash, copper, copper utensils and grains in his house were burnt and destroyed.

According to District Police Office Rukum Paschim, fires occur due to the weakness of people including electric shorts.