Private hospitals are also making arrangements to provide insurance facilities: Minister Poudel

Sep 06, Kathmandu- Health and Population Minister Pradeep Poudel has said that private hospitals should also provide insurance facilities. Speaking at a program organized on the occasion of the 26th annual day of the Association of Private Health Institutions of Nepal on Friday, he said that private hospitals are also going to make arrangements to provide insurance facilities.

Minister Paudel said that health insurance facilities should be provided in all hospitals, ending the situation where health insurance facilities can only be taken in government hospitals but not in private ones. He said that the insurance board should be powerful for that. He also said that the regulating body and the implementing body should be different. He said that insurance cannot be organized because the implementation and regulation are done by the same body.

He said, "Now you can get insurance facility only in government hospitals. It does not mean that it cannot be found in private. If the fee is lower or higher, it is up to the consumer to choose. Private is more expensive, my insurance costs more. It is less in the government, if my insurance money works a little more, it goes to the government. If the fee is the same, what is the reason why it should not be given to the private sector? The insurance board has purchased health services in government and private hospitals to provide services to its citizens".

Minister Paudel asked the private hospitals to make it transparent that 10 percent of the citizens are treated free of charge. He requested to make public in the evening how many poor citizens were treated every day. He said that the needy citizens should be served in a transparent manner by formulating a policy rather than on someone's recommendation.

Minister Paudel emphasized that the problem in insurance implementation should be solved. He said that the sources of insurance must be ensured, fake claims cannot be made and irregularities must be managed.