Educational Materials Provided To Students Selling Discarded Bottles

Sep 06, Kathmandu- Educational materials have been provided to the students of Balakalyan Primary School in Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitan City-7 of Dang by selling bottles thrown as excrement.

Bottles found during cleaning of Tulsipur market were sold and educational materials were distributed to the students studying there.

Nim Bahadur Budhathoki, coordinator of the cleaning campaign, said that in addition to making the market clean, the money collected from it will be used to help those with similar low economic conditions.

"Our sanitation campaign has entered the 64th week, we have been conducting a sanitation campaign every week in Tulsipur for a long time", he said, adding, "We have started helping such poor students by collecting water bottles found in the process". Notebooks and pencils were provided to students at the school on Monday.

More than 50 students of the school have been provided with notebooks and pens. Students with low economic status study at the school. Ham Bahadur KC, the headmaster of the school, said that most of the students have become parentless and are studying away from their parents. "Most of the unaided and poor students study in this school," "he said, adding", "Helping the economically weak in this way will further boost the morale of the students".

The school was established in the year 2045 BS. 88 students are studying in the school from infant to class 5 and seven teachers are employed.