Parliamentary Committee Did Not Take Action Against Rabi

Sep 16, Kathmandu- It has been found that the parliamentary committee set up to investigate cooperative fraud has not recommended action against Rabi Lamichhane.

After it was found that he was only involved in spending the money received from the cooperative on Gorkha media, action was not recommended. According to the members of the committee, no evidence has been found that Rabi himself withdrew funds from the cooperative. It has been held that 670 million rupees have come to Gorkha Media from the cooperative and GB Rai is solely responsible for bringing that amount. The account was opened with the signatures of three people, including the managing director Lamichhane, who received money from Gorkha Media. There was an arrangement where money could be withdrawn under the signature of one of them.

A large part of the 670 million has been spent on the salaries of the television staff. Being a managing director in television, Rabi himself signed most of the cheques. However, the members of the committee said that it was not found that Rabi personally embezzled the funds of the cooperative.