Health Screening Begins For 1,000 Caregivers In Israel

Dec 31, Kathmandu- The Department of Foreign Employment has initiated the process of sending 1,000 Nepali workers in the first phase as caregivers to long-term care centers in Israel. There are 600 women and 400 men among them.

Israel had selected the names of workers to go to Israel through a lottery last Ashwin. At that time, the government had temporarily suspended the process of sending them to Israel after tensions increased due to the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah.

Following the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, with the agreement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has moved forward with the postponed recruitment process.

Two thousand one hundred and twelve people were selected based on a lucky draw from the list of three thousand four hundred and sixty one people who qualified for Israel. Out of these, the process of sending 1,000 people in the first phase has been taken forward. They have been scheduled to undergo medical examination from 17th to 23rd of Paush at four health centers selected by Israel. Israel has selected Nepal Medicity Hospital, Star Hospital, HEMS Hospital, Manmohan Memorial Medical College and Teaching Hospital and Crystal Diagnostic Pvt. Ltd. for the medical examination.